
Welcome to the Cascade Paragliding Club community website.  If you are looking for information about our club, its flying sites or just general paragliding/hang gliding information in the region, you may find what you are looking for on one of the menu tabs above.  If you don’t see what you are looking for, feel free to send us an e-mail at CASCADEPARAGLIDING@GMAIL.COM.    Our club is dedicated to the advancement of paragliding and hang gliding in this region, through the education of its members in safety and general knowledge of the sport, as well as the development and maintenance of local flying sites and through the comaraderie of fellow pilots.

The primary radio frequency used at local sites is 151.925.  Pilots may be operating on other frequencies also.  Please have a radio and ask what frequency those pilots present are using!


Monthly meetings and events calendar (updated):


Header Photo Credits

Click Here for Google Group Messages